Information Goodies -
Select Handouts and Reports Available

* Do you want to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones,
and help create a healthier, less-toxic, more democratic world for everyone?

* Do you want to pass the word to others, through tabling and other handouts?

* Below is a list of some of the handouts we've developed to help folks in just those ways!
Ordering information is at the bottom of the page.

Get copies to educate yourself and your friends, family, people at work - etc.!!

* PRICES after each handout are the minimum needed to cover our copying costs; please consider sending more to support our public education work.
* DECIMALS in [brackets] are the handouts' weight in ounces, to use in calculating the postage amount per the directions below.
* <C> indicates handouts in the CAP format, which includes a box suggesting "What You Can Do."
* SOURCE INFORMATION is included in handouts whenever possible.


* Check Your Home: Do you have anything more toxic than this under your sink? Includes resources for more information on household toxics and their alternatives. (1 page, 15¢, [0.2])

* Top Ten Reasons to Buy Organic. Good introductory overview/summary. Other side of page shows the amount of pesticides in our mainstream food. (1 double-sided page, 20¢, [0.2])

* Organic Less Toxic: What's Happening to Our Foods? Chicago study shows the organic food tested had significantly more nutritious minerals and significantly less heavy metals than the mainstream food tested. Describes results published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition. (1 page, 15¢, [0.2])

* For Whom the Toxic Bell Tolls. Summarizes evidence of toxics' health and environmental harm. Encourages the efficiency and wisdom of stopping the many resulting problems at their source. Resources. Article North Coast Xpress 12/97, by Patricia Dines. (3 pages, 35¢, [0.5])

* Reducing Pesticides on Local Apple Orchards - The Necessity, The Challenges, The Successes. Summarizes the synthetic pesticides local apple farmers use, why, the pesticides' potential health and environmental harm, and how our government fails to protect us. Explores the less-toxic options apple farmers are using successfully, and how we all can support increased toxics reduction. Includes resources. Article Sonoma County Environmental Impact Reporter newspaper 10/93, by Patricia Dines; updated and in report format. (9 pages, 90¢, [1.1], <C>)

You can support our work by getting and distributing the printed information at your organization, events, or trade shows. These include postcards and press releases for each Guide. (No fee.)


* Effective Political Action: Recovering Democracy's True Gift. Article Sonoma County Peace Press 12/95, by Patricia Dines. (1 page, 25¢, [0.2])

* Vision and Action Healing the World. Explores our feelings of hope and despair and how we can find a constructive path through them to a happier, healthier future for all. Article Sonoma County Environmental Impact Reporter newspaper 8/98, by Patricia Dines. (1 page, 15¢, [0.2])


* About Community Action Publications (CAP) (1 page, no fee)

* Color Me Pesticide-Free. Engaging drawing of a non-toxic world with playful happy people and animals, etc. For children "of all ages" to color, envision, and enjoy. (1 page, 10¢, [0.2])


(1) Print this page from your browser and mark the handouts you want to order.

(2) Total the prices for these handouts.


(3) Add the weights for these handouts, round up to the next ounce, then calculate the postage needed. (For U.S. locations, the first oz. is $0.40 with each added ounce +$0.30) Weight: _____ounces > $______


(4) Note: These amounts just cover copying and postage costs. Please consider sending more to truly support our work to create and make available this information!


(5) Send your request with your name, address, and a check covering the above amounts to the address below.

Thanks for your interest in these vital world issues!

Please feel free to contact us for additional information on these and related topics.  

Information courtesy of:

"Information Empowering Action for a Healthier World"


We hope this information (and our work) is valuable to you,
and supports the health and well-being of yourself,
your family, our community, and our world.
If it is, please let us know. It makes us happy to hear!

You can support our work and ensure that it continues. For instance, you can link to our site and let others know about it. Or become a CAP member! For more information, click on the "About CAP" button above.

If you find a broken link or outdated information, or want to suggest an addition or edit to this page, please let us know by emailing info[at] Please include both the webpage name and the relevant information.

Thank you to everyone who supports our ability to offer this information
to our community, for our planet!

This entire website is (c) Community Action Publications, 1998-2007. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 04/10/07.